How I went from being a fearful and broke kindergarten teacher to a successful transformational leader without a big following or fancy brand.
Jul 24, 2024Back when I was a kindergarten teacher, I was equally full of VISION as I was SELF DOUBT.
I knew I wanted to create my own soul based business. And I knew my soul’s gifts were not best used in an institutional setting that was stifling and stuck in old paradigm ways.
So I went on my manifestation journey…I wrote out my visions, meditated on it daily and felt so clearly that I was meant for more.
But no amount of visualizing or affirmations got me out of my fear & self doubt.
I even studied various healing modalities & received several certifications and I still felt unprepared to start my own business.
So I studied business & marketing and even started a few side hustles. Which was nice and it put a little extra cash in my pocket.
But the thought of TAKING THE ACTUAL LEAP from my comfy career of nearly 15 years to full-on entrepreneurship terrified me.
I probably could have spent another decade on that precipice WAITING for “one day.”
I could have spent months and years tweaking my website, messing around with branding, or perfecting my offers. (I see brilliant visionaries get stuck on this ALL the time!)
I could have spent $1000s more on courses, coaching, and “guaranteed” strategies and still not felt ready to take the leap. (do you do this? Lots of visionaries waste money trying to get that feeling of being ready and it never comes)
Want to know what made the biggest difference for me?
Ok this is going to sound crazy but…
Why? How??
Breathwork was THE catalyst that got me to take the leap and here’s why:
Breath is THE bridge between spirit and matter.
TRUTH: We lack NOTHING in spirit.
This is why you can sit in the ethers all day visioning & dreaming but NEVER getting anywhere in 3D reality.
So back when I was a teacher, I was doing ALL the spiritual work.
⚡️ Energy healing.
🙏 Prayer.
For me, who had come from a dirt poor background, this was an important foundation. It helped me visualize a potential that I was not conditioned for. My programming said, “poor Mexican girls like me don’t get rich and they certainly don’t run their own business.” All the spiritual work helped to open my mind to new possibilities.
I still didn’t have the sense of safety or confidence in my BODY to take action. In my mind it was possible but my nervous system was still operating from the old stories.
This is why mindset work can only get you so far. Your body is home to your UNCONSCIOUS mind where all your beliefs, traumas, and automatic habits actually live. It's a highly intelligent machine that keeps you alive but sometimes those programs need updating.
That’s what breathwork gave me: A massive upgrade from deep within, not just in my mind.
Breathwork helped me release limiting beliefs & trauma that were stored within my body and that gave me a PROFOUND sense of safety and embodied confidence to start taking ACTION toward my dreams.
Nearly 10 years later breathwork is my go to practice to overcome self doubt and catalyze even bigger visions into reality.
Since then I’ve led 1000s of people through the same breathwork process and witnessed people experience their own massive upgrades in life, health & business.
You can experience the power of this specialized breathwork process for yourself in our monthly RECALIBRATION sessions online.
Recalibration Breathwork is unlike other breathwork practices as it is designed to restore your ORIGINAL breath. The breath you breathed before you were told who you were supposed to be or how you “should” behave.
Your original breath was your unimpeded connection to Source and to your unique soul blueprint. Overtime with conditioning, Trauma/trauma, and experiences you learned to breathe in a way that keeps you small.
In RECALIBRATION you will be expertly guided to restore your soul’s authentic intelligence within your body.
When you learn to operate from that authentic intelligence you feel clear, confident, and capable of living your sacred mission because it's what you were designed for.
You only need to recalibrate to the truth of who you are.
Because we currently live in a paradigm driven by fear and designed to keep people small we have to remain devoted to continually coming back to the Truth. That’s why we meet monthly so that we can continue to recalibrate amidst the noise and chaos of a dying paradigm.
Join us monthly to recalibrate to your soul’s authentic intelligence and never settle for anything less than your Divine Potential.
Leandra Rose is a transformational coach and mentor for visionary women. Joining our monthly Recalibration sessions will help you release the old patterns and collective fears that keep you stuck, and reconnect with your inner wisdom and divine power.
Through these sessions, you will:
Detox from limiting beliefs and societal conditioning
Activate your unique gifts and ultimate potential
Cultivate deep, authentic connections
Embody the abundance and joy you are meant to experience
Your true power lies in the mind-body integration of your soul’s purpose.
"The way Leandra holds space is incredibly profound, beyond words. She is highly intuitive, perceptive and knowledgeable."
- Yolanda Curtis
"I would recommend Leandra in a heartbeat to anyone struggling with their emotions or feeling stuck. She is a beautiful, pure soul who understands and shows you a new, brighter way of seeing things and being."
-Kristin Simon, Marketing & Content Manager, Venice, CA,
"Leandra is kind and bright and wise. I say that not as a compliment, but as a way to honor what I learned from this bright spirit. It’s in the way she simply is — at peace and in true joy with herself, that I learned the most."
- Jessie Hilb, author, Boulder, CO
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