$33.00 USD

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Unlock the Flow of Abundance: Tap into the Infinite Wealth Within

You’re a woman who wants nothing more than to live on purpose and in prosperity and you have big dreams for your life and for the world. 

You feel a deep calling to:

→ Experience the wealth of joy and fulfillment you know you’re meant for.

→ Create a ripple of abundance that extends beyond you.

→ Change lives with the wealth you create.

You were born for this! 

Yet somewhere between vision & reality things get cloudy. 

The ABUNDANCE Masterclass & activation is designed to clear out false programming and bring you back to your inherent worthiness so you can manifest the prosperous life you are destined for.

Inside this masterclass & activation you will:

- Strengthen your connection with your innate intelligence

- Discover the keys to creating abundance from within

- Clear emotional and physical blocks to open yourself to receive more abundance

- Cultivate a mindset of true prosperity that goes beyond material wealth

- Learn to trust your intuition and access the infinite wisdom of the universe

Join us on this life-changing journey on August 8 at 5pm pst.

Prepare to connect deeply with your purpose and fuel it from within, using breathwork to increase your Life Force energy and clear away the blocks that have kept you from receiving the prosperity you deserve. 

I’m Leandra Rose, a master breathwork facilitator with over two decades of experience in unlocking human potential and reprogramming belief systems. I have formulated a unique process to help you activate your dormant abundance and manifest the wealth that resonates with your purpose.

In the ABUNDANCE masterclass & activation, I'll guide you through a potent activation and energy attunement, using the power of your breath and intentionally curated music. This immersive experience will pave the way for higher consciousness.

This transformative process supports the release of old patterns, limiting beliefs, and trapped emotions. Through this clearing, you'll access unparalleled clarity and innovative insights, enabling you to tap into the infinite wealth within you. Embrace your inherent abundance and create a life of true prosperity.

August 8 5pm-7pm PST | Live on Zoom | Replay available for 7 days

**Pricing: $33 or Free**

We offer a pay-what-you-can pricing scale for this masterclass to ensure everyone who wishes to join can do so. By choosing the $33 option, you're supporting others who may not be able to afford the full price. Your contribution helps create a more inclusive and accessible experience for all.

For free access use code: ABUNDANCE100





What People Are Saying:

Words can’t do justice for what happened during the breathwork, but I am forever changed and a believer in the power of breath. We were led by a true healer in Leandra and I look forward to many more miraculous experiences on my journey!

Brooke, Los Angeles, CA

The experience allowed me to release energy around past events I didn’t realize I was still carrying with me. I feel there is a new foundation laid by this experience, ready for me to build on as I continue my journey of personal growth.

Elyse R., Artist, Los Angeles

Leandra leads you through the process with so much intuitive guidance and there is a real sense of safety before, during, and after the work. I cannot recommend it highly enough.

Suzanne S, Singer/Mother, Santa Monica, CA